east by west

شناسه محصول: book-1401-10-2-1-124 دسته: , تاریخ انتشار: 6 دی 1402تعداد بازدید: 1156
قیمت محصول

480,000 تومان

فقط 1 عدد در انبار موجود است

جزئیات بیشتر

وزن 150 گرم
ابعاد 20 × 14 × 0.5 سانتیمتر
قوانین استفاده

خرید محصول توسط کلیه کارت های شتاب امکان پذیر است و بلافاصله پس از خرید: برای محصولات دانلودی،لینک دانلود محصول در اختیار شما قرار خواهد گرفت و هر گونه فروش در سایت های دیگر قابل پیگیری خواهد بود. برای کتاب های فیزیکی، بعد از ثبت جهت ارسال آماده‌سازی می‌شود.

  • دسترسی به محصولات دانلودی به صورت مادام‌العمر (طرح جلد، موکاپ، قالب صفحه آرایی، کاغذ دیواری)
  • بست‌ بندی با پکیج ضد آب برای ارسال کتاب های خریداری شده
  • تمامی کتاب های نشر متخصصان به صورت فیزیکی هستند.
توضیحات مختصر محصول
east by west

کتاب east by west نوشته جناب آقای علی اسفندیاری راد را به صورت قانونی از سایت متخصصان خریداری کنید.

ارسال کتاب تا ده روز کاری.

در بخشی از این کتاب می‌خوانیم:


I wish to express my profound gratitude to the distinguished individuals and institutions, whose steadfast support, encouragement, and insights were instrumental in the crafting of this tome. To my esteemed parents, who have ceaselessly believed in and fostered my ambitions, your affection and enduring backing have been the very cornerstone of my endeavours. To my sister, ever a wellspring of inspiration and mirth.

It is with particular appreciation that I highlight the invaluable role of Aber Group Holding. During my tenure with them, their guidance, insights, and encouragement have been nothing short of transformative, deeply influencing my perspectives and enriching the fabric of my work. At the heart of this support stands Mr. Bahram Sadeghi Khatab, a dear friend and pillar of support. In the face of challenges, not least health setbacks, it was his consistent encouragement and profound understanding that galvanised me. His unwavering belief in my vision and his determination have been a beacon, fortifying my resolve to surmount any obstacle.

My passion for the Arabic language, and its pivotal role in our ever-evolving world, knows no bounds. As it teeters on the brink of obscurity, our collective endeavour to rejuvenate it becomes all the more paramount. Let us rally together to breathe new life into this venerable language, ensuring its resonance for the generations that follow.

In conclusion, I dedicate this work to the saviour, that luminous beacon guiding us through life›s murkier waters with boundless compassion and fortitude. In tribute to them, I proffer this creation, a testament to the splendour of creativity, language, and the indomitable human spirit. My heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for being an intrinsic part of this remarkable journey.

With heartfelt gratitude,
Ali Esfandiari Rad


In the intricate tapestry of global languages, Arabic unfurls with a richness of sounds, scripts, and cultural depth. While learning it has often been portrayed as a daunting endeavor, this book seeks to dismantle that perception by presenting Arabic language instruction through a blend of traditional and innovative learning methodologies, all delivered in the familiar lingua franca of English.
The cornerstone of this book’s pedagogical design lies in Reinforcement Learning. Like the building blocks of a resilient structure, each lesson is designed to reinforce the previous, with every new concept connected to a well-established foundation. This iterative learning process enables learners to assimilate new material effortlessly by drawing connections to previously acquired knowledge.
Experience is an exceptional teacher, and this principle underpins our strategy of consistent and varied exposure to Arabic. Immersive language materials, including narratives, poetry, and dialogues, provide a rich context for learners to appreciate Arabic in its authentic forms, imbibing both the language and the culture it embodies.
One of the more nuanced techniques applied in this book is Microlearning, subtly woven into each page. While the term may not be explicitly mentioned, the idea permeates each lesson – each bite-sized chapter focuses on a single, comprehensive topic. This methodical breakdown into manageable units helps to reduce cognitive overload and enhance knowledge retention, making learning Arabic an enjoyable and achievable task.
Embracing the communicative approach, the book encourages learners to apply the language in realistic contexts, transforming the Arabic language learning process into an engaging, relatable journey rather than a mere academic pursuit.
In addition, we have harnessed the potential of modern technology to elevate the learning experience. Our approach accommodates the varied learning styles and paces of different individuals, facilitating a personalized journey through the Arabic language.

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لطفا پیش از ارسال نظر، خلاصه قوانین زیر را مطالعه کنید: فارسی بنویسید و از کیبورد فارسی استفاده کنید. بهتر است از فضای خالی (Space) بیش‌از‌حدِ معمول، شکلک یا ایموجی استفاده نکنید و از کشیدن حروف یا کلمات با صفحه‌کلید بپرهیزید. نظرات خود را براساس تجربه و استفاده‌ی عملی و با دقت به نکات فنی ارسال کنید؛ بدون تعصب به محصول خاص، مزایا و معایب را بازگو کنید و بهتر است از ارسال نظرات چندکلمه‌‌ای خودداری کنید.

اولین کسی باشید که دیدگاهی می نویسد “east by west”

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قیمت محصول

480,000 تومان

فقط 1 عدد در انبار موجود است